The New Year has certainly given me time to pause and more closely consider how I will spend my time this year as opposed to last.  I am more committed to my art now than ever before and am being led to deeper decisions which further define the elements within my craft.  I am ecstatic over the possibilities which lie ahead and scared to death over the consequences if perhaps the wrong choice is made.  Wow – what a ride life is – for us all!

Things are moving more quickly than ever on so many levels that I feel time is being wasted if even a minute is stolen for rest.  There are so many paintings in my head waiting to be purged onto a surface that I have difficulty deciding which image is the most deserving of exposure. 

The flow of the universe seems to be carrying me along through a series of synchronistic

messages though, as I am reminded that another element to my growth is a strong association with animals – both domestic and wild.   I began my career painting ducks – over twenty of wood ducks which “Wachovia Bank”- as it was once called- purchased.   I then moved on to song birds and birds of prey, then mammals large and small. 

I painted people portraits in between, and boats and the ocean but ultimately most of the scenes birthed a wildlife specimen.  A red fox would emerge from behind an oak on a freshly snow laden riverbank.   A Cooper’s hawk would swoop in from the left through the trees which canopy a dirt road and land silently on a sun dappled limb on the other side.

I love the peace of nature, but somehow it just doesn’t seem right unless there is a spirited creature about doing what it does best…being “it”.   There is so much to learn from watching wildlife or your pets.  They tell us volumes, we just need to watch and learn.

Each of us has an animal “totem” which lends some of its traits to help us in this journey of life.   How wonderful to know what that “totem” is, so as to honor and adsorb its wisdom.  There is a very interesting book called “Nature Speak” through which you can learn which animal is your totem.

Yes, we can learn much from the animals.  They are unconditional in their love and their devotion is unsurpassed.  They do not judge us.  Animals do not care what we are wearing, and our pets care only that we are there and they are so “happy we are home”.

How wonderful 2012 might be if we all learned from the animals and looked at our own lives in that regard.  Perhaps we should just commit to trying, if only for a day or two, and see how it makes us feel.  It might be a good thing!   “Happy New Year”.

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