Meet Raney Rogers

All of my “offerings” are now in one place for ease of navigation through my art, writing and inspirations. I have always believed ART is how you live your life and that “your life” is the most important “creation” that you can achieve. I thank all of you who have become my patrons and friends over the years and continued to support me through all phases of my journey.
What I have come to realize is this…my art is my vehicle and through it all things are possible.
Joseph Campbell once said, “Do what you love and a thousand helping hands will appear.”
CHeck out raney's work
I have painted with some type of medium most of my life. I began my professional career painting wildlife in its natural habitat. In doing so I began to realize how many people did not know much about nature, much less the flora and fauna living in it that depend on us to be “caretaker”. It warms my heart to hear someone say, “I now know what that big white bird is that flies along the river!”
I use watercolor, oil, pastels and acrylics in my work – whatever medium the subject calls out for.
Since my painting parties I have used more acrylic which is so wonderful because you can use it as a watercolor OR oil.

Painting with Raney
Workshops-Paint and Party-Online Classes
Upcoming Events
Painting with Raney at Old Barn Winery
Raney is back! Come paint with her at Old Barn Winery and sip on your favorite beverage while she takes you through the process of creating your very own masterpiece. No experience required. All materials are provided including one free beverage of your choice.
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Transpersonal Life Coaching
I am a certified Transpersonal Life Coach and use my skills as a professional dowser as well to help my clients find their soul’s authenticity for the most fulfilling and satisfying life possible. We all have the answers within us..thus “transpersonal”, sometimes it just takes someone or something to guide us to see them. And, when we do, the door to love, joy and prosperity are all opened up to us.
I lead workshops for women to achieve their authentic power using a variety of creative as well as mainstream modalities and theories. Costs are commensurate with length of workshop and modalities used.
I teach dowsing classes so that others can learn to read the energy of their lives and how best to transform it into a positive, enriching force that clears, guides and changes us into the essence that we were created to be. Classes are approximately two hours and can be local to Raney or to you. Transportation expenses are added if applicable. Check the site for upcoming classes or contact Raney to discuss classes in your area.
I also offer individual readings for a more specific and outlined approach for the keys to who you are, why you are here and how to find your passion in life. You can also assess your physical presence in this life, your overall health and energy levels, energy leaks, geographic conditions affecting you and so much more to help you achieve the goals you set to be more alive in all aspects. Readings may be scheduled to occur via zoom or in person. All readings will be recorded and shared with the sitter. Readings last 1- 1 ½ hours and are $150. Contact Raney directly to schedule.
It is never too late to have the best life that you were always meant to have.
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